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Last update 13/08/2009


Audio Preamplifier, filter circuits

Audio Line High-End Preamplifier with ICs   [In English]
Audio Line High-End Preamplifier with ICs   [In Greek]
High-End Modular audio preamplifier [In English]
High-End Modular audio preamplifier [In Greek]
Symmetrical Audio Class A preamplifier [3]
Audio Preamplifier with Digital Volume
Stereo Preamplifier with elect. adjustment Volume-Balance-Treble-Bass
Variable High-Pass  20HZ to 200HZ Filter
Remove common signal from Stereo sound
Class A preamplifier module with IC
Class A Buffer preamplifier module
Symmetrical class A Line amplifier 1
Symmetrical class A Line amplifier 2  Fixed
Electronic Balance input with Gain and Volume
Audio Peak Indicator (overload)
Module Collection Module 1   Line amplifier in Class A
Module 2   Line amplifier in Class A
Speech filter- Band pass (300HZ to 3KHZ)
Auto Fade for Audio signals
Electronic Balance Input to Electronic Balance output
Audio Phono-Riaa circuits 
Hi-Fi RIAA Phono Preamplifier for moving magnet cartridge [1]
Hi-Fi RIAA Phono Preamplifier for moving magnet cartridge [2]
Moving Coil Head pre-preamplifier [1]
Module 3   Low Input Impedance-for Moving Coil Cartridge
Active Crossover circuits
2-Way Active Crossover with Linear Phase Response
3-Way Active Crossover with Linear Phase -in Greek       Fixed
3-Way Active Crossover with Linear Phase -in English    Fixed
Electronic 3 Way Crossover -24dB/oct.
Active Loudspeaker circuits                                                          Back to Index
3-Way Active Loudspeaker -in Greek
3-Way Active Loudspeaker -in English
2-Way Active Loudspeaker -in Greek    Fixed
2-Way Active Loudspeaker -in English   Fixed
Audio mixer circuits 
2-StereoChannel   + microphone channel mixer - in English
2-StereoChannel   + microphone channel mixer - in Greek
Audio modular MIXER with 6 and up channel - in Greek     
Audio modular MIXER with 6 and up channel   -in English   
Mic-Line electronic balance input, with Gain and filter    Fixed
Audio Power Amplifier circuits                                                     Back to Index
Stereo Power Amplifier 4W-8W with TDA2005
Audio Power Amp. 60W with TDA7294
Power amplifier 50W [Osu IEEE] -in Greek
Power amplifier 50W [Osu IEEE] -in English
Power amplifier 30W
Power amplifier 65W with HEXFET -in Greek
Power amplifier 65W with HEXFET -in English
Power amplifier 60W /8ohm Class AB [2]   Fixed
Power amplifier 45W with HEXFET -in Greek  
Power amplifier 45W with HEXFET -in English
Power amplifier 35W with LM391
Power amplifier 2X18W in 4ohms with TDA1516Q
Power amplifier 2X5W in 4ohms with TDA1516Q
Power amplifier for Loudspeaker 6.5W 8R
High Power amplifier 170W in 8 ohms Fixed
Power Amplifier 60W Class A   -in Greek
Power Amplifier 60W Class A   -in English
Power Amplifier 40W Class A   By Nelson Pass
Power Amplifier 60W / 8Ω Class AB
High Power amplifier 300W
HAFLER DH-200 - Power amplifier 100W with V-MOSFET
Power Amplifier 100W with V-MOSFET transistor [1]
Electrocompaniet - The 2 Channel Audio Power Amplifier
Power Amplifier with STK40xx series module IC
Small Power Amplifier 8W / 8Ω with TDA 2030
Power amplifier 12W with MOS FET transistor
Collection of little Bridge  Power Amplifier
Audio Peak Indicator (Overload)
Bridge (Stereo to Mono), Power amplifier converter with electronic Balance input
DC Protection for Power Amplifier circuits                  Back to Index
DC Protection and soft start for Loudspeaker   Fixed
DC Protection and Delay time for Power Amp. - Loudspeaker [1]
Protection 2 for Power Amplifier and Loudspeakers -in Greek
Protection 2 for Power Amplifier and Loudspeakers  -in English
Audio Equalizer circuits                                                                                   Back to Index
Equalizer with Parametric Mid
Graphic Equalizer 3 Band
Graphic Equalizer 5 Band with transistor.
Graphic Equalizer 6 Band
Graphic Equalizer 10 Band   [A]
Graphic Equalizer 10 Band  [B]

Battery circuits                                                                                                                   

Car Battery 6V or 12V charger
Stand by Battery
Discharge Indicator for 12V Battery (Lead Acid)
Car 12V Battery Charger
Computer circuits                                                                        Back to Index
Stereo Audio mini MIXER MIC-LINE for PC Audio Card
ADSL Filter New.gif (111 bytes)
Clock and timer circuits                                                                                                  
SamGordon Digital Clock  -in Greek 
SamGordon Digital Clock  -in English
SamClock [Digital Clock] -in Greek
SamClock [Digital Clock] - in English
SamClock RINGER and drive external load
Digital Clock with MM5314N
Frequency Divider [T-type Flip-Flop]
Relay timer switch
Wide rage auto turn OFF timer
Timer with Buzzer and Optocoupler 
Decoder circuits                                                                              Back to Index
Surround Sound Decoder
Multiplex decoder with TDA1578  [1]
Stereo Multiplex Decoder with CA3090Q [2]
FM Stereo Demodulator with MC1310P [ 3]
PLL Stereo Decoder with LM1800  [4]
Surround sound Decoder 2 New.gif (111 bytes)
Digital circuits                                                                                              
Electronic DICE [2]
Frequency doubler with 4069
Frequency doubler with 4011
Programmable Frequency Divider with 7490
Frequency Divider [Divide factor 2 until 10] with 7490
Melody Door Ringer
Electronic Security  door key 1
Electronic Security  door key 2   Fixed
Frequency Multiplier X100 with Noise Rejection for low frequency
Digital Roulette with  Display   Fixed
Acoustic Tone by command
Digital  ping-pong [1]
Digital ping - pong [2]
Electronic Dice [1]
Electronic Switch ON-OFF touch or with push button
Electronic Siren
Frequency Divider [T-type Flip-Flop]
Electronic Switch circuits                                                                                 
Touch Switch Control
Touch Switch ON-OFF
Electronic Switch with Delay Time For Lambs -in Greek
Electronic Switch with Delay Time For Lambs -in English
Over and under voltage switch with relay
Signal and Tone Activated Relay Switch
Temperature window switch
Voltage window switch
Light sensitive and differential temperature switch
Electronic On/Off Touch Switch
Electronic selection for 8 sources with 2 push button [Up/Down]
Electronic selection for 8 sources  Fixed
Electronic selector for 10 sources with Display 7-segment
Electronic Switch ON-OFF touch or with push button
Headphone Amplifier circuits                                             Back to Index
Headphone amplifier with TDA2004 
Mini power amplifier for headphone in Class A
Headphone amplifier in Class A [2]  Fixed
Telephone circuits                                                                                       Back to Index
Spy for two telephone lines Fixed
Telephone Line Monitor
Clue engaged telephone line
Ringer and Indicator for a Telephone Line
Spy for telephone line 2 
ADSL Filter New.gif (111 bytes)
Telephone Line Protection New.gif (111 bytes)
Tube Preamplifier circuits                                                               
Hampton Tube Preamplifier for moving coil pick-up cartridge with ECC88
Three Tube PHONO (RIAA) Preamplifiers with ECC83  

Tube Line Preamplifier Project 1 -In Greek

Tube Line Preamplifier Project 1 -In English

Video circuits                                                                                                
Video signal emphasis
Video amplifier with LH0032      [1]
Video amplifier with LM359N   [2]
Vu Meter circuits                                                                                                 Back to Index
Vu Meter For Power Amplifiers [2] 
Audio Peak Indicator
VU Meter 1 with transistor Fixed
VU Meter 2 with LM3915-LM3916 [19 Led]
VU Meter 3 with LM3915 [10 Led]
VU Meter 4 with LM3915 [10 Led] for Power Amp.
Mini audio spectrum analyzer
VU Meter 5 with UAA180
Other Circuits                                                                                                  Back to Index       TOP
Baby Watch out Updated
8 Relay module
Air Ionizer (Negative ion Generator)
RF amplifier Wide Band  -40MHZ
Negative Ionizer 1 
Negative Ionizer 2 
Responsibility Disclaimer
These circuits are provided for your own study and private use only. I will not have any responsibility for any personal injury or damage to property arising from use or abuse of the information provided on these page. Each user will be to have into account the dangers that result from the contact with the electric power, in any form.  
Αποκήρυξη ευθύνης
Τα κύκλωμα που παρέχω σε σας είναι για μελέτη μόνο. Δεν έχω οποιαδήποτε ευθύνη για οποιοδήποτε προσωπικό τραυματισμό ή καταστροφή ιδιοκτησίας που προκύπτει από τη χρήση ή την κατάχρηση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτές τις σελίδες. Κάθε χρήστης θα πρέπει να έχει υπ’ όψιν τους κινδύνους που προκύπτουν από την επαφή με το ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα, σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή του.

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Sam Electronic Circuits
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