Modular Preamplifier with IC Class A

Class_A_amlifier_IC.gif (8190 bytes)

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An application, which is considered, of very good quality sound since the entrance transistors are working at Class A. The quality of sound depends to a large extent on IC1, which must be of good quality. It can be chosen from several IC with the best from the point of cost efficiency the proposed NE 5534 (NE 5532 for stereo construction) and the series TL071 (TL072) for greater input impedance. This particular application can be used with very good results and as driver headphone with higher 47R impedance. The amplification can be changed and adapted to the amount we want, if changing the feedback resistors R6/R7.

Part List

R1= 47Kohms R8= 100 ohms D1-2-3= 1N4148
R2= 1Kohms C1= 1uF 100V MKT IC1= TL071 - NE5534
R3= 5.6Kohms C2= 100pF ceramic Q1= BC550C
R4-5= 47Kohms C3-5= 100nF 63V MKT Q2= BC560C
R6-7= 10 ohms C4-6= 47uF 25V J1=  10 pin connector

Sam Electronic Circuits 8/01

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