Hampton Tube Preamplifier For Moiving Coil cartridge with ECC88

Hampton MC preamplifier schematic

    ��� ���� ���� ������� ���-�����������, ��� �������� ������� ��� ������� ������� ������. ������������ �� ��� ������� ��� ������� ECC88, ���������������� ��������� ��� ������ ��� ����������� �������. �� ������� ������� �� ����� �� �� ������� ������� PHONO. �� ��������� S1-2 ������ ���������� ������� ���� ������� ��������� ������ ��� �������. �� ������ ����� �� ���������� ����������� , ��� ����� ������ ���������������.

    A very good circuit of pre-preamplifier, for amplification of signals from heads of Moving Coil. It uses the two departments of tube ECC88, association parallel, for reduction of produced noise. The circuit enters in line with existing circuit PHONO. Switches S1-2 make adaptation of entry in the impedance, of expense of head. The Positive is been careful power supply, that is completely stabilised.

Part List

R1-5= 100ohm 1% 1/4W R9...12= 47Kohm 2W S1-2= DIL Switch
R2-6= 150ohm 1% 1/4W R13-14=1Mohm 1% 1/4W J1...4= RCA Jack
R3-7= 33ohm 1% 1/4W C1-2= 1uF 250V MKT
R4-8= 12ohm 1% 1/4W V1-2= ECC88 - 6DJ8

Power Supply for Hampton Tube Preamplifier

Hampton MC Power supply schematic

Part List

R1= 180Kohm C2-4= 300uF 250V D4= 24V 0.5W zener
R2= 33Kohm C3= 100nF 400V MKT D5-6-7= 1N4148
R3= 27Kohm C7= 1uF 100V MKT Q1-3= TIP122C
R4= 8.2Kohm C8= 2.2uF 63V MKT Q2= BD340 [MJE340]
R5= 56ohm  2W C9= 22uF 100V IC1= TL071-TL081
R6= 3.3Kohm 2W C10-11-15-17= 10uF 63V IC2= LM317
R7= 18Kohm C12= 100uF 25V TR1= 4.7Kohm trimmer
R8= 100Kohm C13= 4700uF 25V GR1= 400V 1A
R9= 120ohm D1-2-8= 1N4007 GR2= 80V 3A
C1-5-6-14-16= 100nF 250V MKT D3= 30V 0.5W zener T1=230VAC//A=100V@ B=8V/2A


Sam Electronic Circuits 10/01