SamClock            by Sam.

The SamClock is a digital clock apparatus fully parametric as regards it' s construction and functioning used for many years, without operational problems, on a 24 hour basis. Certainly today there are more compact recommendations based however the joy of the "operator' from a certain point and after is that of being able to control all the parameter of construction.

Some interesting points are :

1] A second indicator which few circuits have.

2] The possibility to add a second display representation, on the back of the construction since it was primarily designed for operation in a Radio studio.

3] The possibility drive external display at various points far from the mother apparatus.

4] Visual/Sound indicator (Alarm) one minute before the end of each hour .

5] The existence of a battery which can be recharged .

6] The future possibility of adding a Wake-up alarm.

*Click on RED, to see ClockSam circuits and P.C.B images.


1]>Page 1.--Here is the Relay, which gives the orders for regulation, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, The change speed of regulations (X1 - X10) or Normal - High, To Zero of all the indicators (Reset).. The orders are given by the Push Button which is found on Page 2. The commands for the functioning are also found BCD Up Counter (IC7-9) and BCD-7segment C.C./Decoder/Driver (IC1-6) which drive the display through the connectors SV2-7.

2] >Page 2.--The heard of the clock is found here. The oscillator around the IC15 with Q1 crystal produces the high frequency, which then divides for Normal or Fast functioning , with excellent results stability, if the right temperature surroundings and are taken in to account for the crystal Q1. The section around IC9 A-b can be omitted from most of them since it relates almost exclusively to Radio functioning (creation of Tone 1 KHZ/1 HZ on the last minute, before the completion of each hour [bibs]). Here is also the Main Power supply , around the IC20 and the battery recharger [Lead 6V] around the IC21. The SV13 gives the necessary exits for the basic Display Front Side.

3] >Page 3.--Here are the connectors SV 5-7 which lead to the Front Display and SV 2-4 which drive the Rear Display (Optional).

4]>Page 4.--Display Front Side. The keyboard for regulating Hour-Minutes-Seconds-Speed-Reset, are connected through the J1F with the SV1. Higher up the Display Common Cathode 7- segment is found.

5] >Page 5.--Display Rear Side. The display C.C. 7-segment of the back is found here if needed.

Those who are interested can get an idea for the apparatus, by looking at the P.C.B images.

>Main board - >Display Front - >Display Rear

For obvious reasons the prices of the materials have been omitted from the plan. Those who are interested can send me an E-Mail, and I will send them by E-Mail.


Sam Electronic Circuits 8/01

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